Residential or Business
Data/File Services
PC Tune Up: This service consists of removing files that areadversely affecting system performance, registry and drivemaintenance, and updates to your version of Windows.
PC Tune up and Virus/Spyware Removal: This combines two of our most popular service options covering: detection and removal of viruses, worms, and spyware, drive maintenance, updates to Windows, and cleaning of temporary files.
Peripheral Setup: This includes connecting the device to your computer, downloading the latest drivers, and ensuring it works. Printers , Scanners, Cameras.
Power Supply Replacement: Installation and connection of new power supply.
Software/Application Installation: Not sure what to install or how to install your software? We will install it for you
Virus and Spyware Removal:Through the use of industry standard tools , we will detect and remove computer worms, viruses, and Malware/ Spyware from your system.
Data/File Services
Optical Drive (CD-ROM , DVD Burner, Etc.) Installation : Includes the configuration and installation of the drive, as well as tests to ensure that the drive is reading data correctly and writing data when applicable.
OS Install, Repair, or Upgrade: This covers the repair, upgrade or installation of the operating system for your computer as well as any updates that Windows may require and correctly installing and configuring devices that are installed on the system at that time.
Password Recovery: Erase or change of user log-in password.
Data Backup from Hard Drive to Other Media: This service consists of copying some or all of the data on your current drive to either data CD or data DVD. Completion time will be dependent on amount of data to be transferred.
Data Backup/Transfer from Hard Drive to Hard Drive:This consists of copying all or part of your existing data toanother physical hard drive. Completion time will be dependent on amount of data to be transferred.
Data Recovery Diagnosis: This is a non-refundable fee to cover the cost of diagnosing the extent to which the drive has been damaged. Actual recovery costs may vary greatly and are in addition to this fee.
Hard Drive Imaging: We will make an exact image of your hard drive and put it on a drive of equal or larger size.
Hard Drive Reformat (DOD Standard Level DataDestruction): Technician will erase your hard drive following DOD standards.
Hard Drive Reformat (Standard Level Data Destruction): A technician will wipe out your hard drive for re-use.
Install all Drivers and Updates: Install missing Windows updates and/or system hardware drivers: